
Showing posts from December, 2018


Enjoy your Break.

Week 13.

This week I spent most of my time working on  CAGD441 assignment which is another voice over animation. my inspiration to this animation is my dog and I for your information  I don't behave like the animation but that's how it is in my mind. also he is a goodboi and well well trained now. Blocking Final  Bounce

Week 11

This week I don't present as well however I did some progress for example I lost my depositing shot. the good thing is I play blasted it.  This week I worked on finishing the lip-sync animation for CAGD 441. I don't have much to say beside I am digging those animation. the more I work the more I enjoy working. a Wise man once told me  " Let the man does what he loves and he will never gets bored".  I started working on the second animation assignment for CAGD 441 which is another voice over. The video is going to be in the next post. 

Week 9

I don't present this week so my work for this class is minimal. however I am animating a lip-sync clip for my CAGD 441 class. the assignement is very interesting and wealthy with new skills. some of the things that I learned in this assignment is the importance of the work flow, and how it organizes my thoughts. The blocking phase, stage, step or however you'd like to call it sets a blueprint to the animation. However in this stage I find it very odd to critique  or anything like that because It is not complete animation and it doesn't show much. It seems to me critiquing blocking scene is like saying the new born baby looks like his mother or father. make no scene. a new born baby looks more like a potato than his/her parents. After the Blocking. Splining Comes. which is basically getting between the posses and bringing the animation to life. holds , ease in/out and timing. It is very critical stage. and it requires a lot of iteration to perfect the animation. how

Week 7

testing and correcting  After finishing the basic storyboard and some animation. I started cleaning up my work. as an artist I learned not to fall in love with my ideas. critiquing myself   improves the quality of my work. I went through the animations and figured out what's a must and what's not a must. As I learned from Professor mark I put a gun a the shot's gun to find out how important it is. I killed some animation to make the story more efficient and understandable. found out that this shot is unnecessary and its taking too much time of the scene   fun personal project to light up the mood


This week I struggled with imagining and planning the details of my story. I came up with many versions of it however deciding which version fits the best and more efficient in applying my vision.  one scenario was including two more characters show up out of nowhere. the first character will try to get soda out of the vanding machine but Anim stops him by knocking him out and shoving him inside the vending machine.  the second character will collect all the money after Anim gets trapped inside the vending machine. On the other hand I decided to go with different vision which is. One solo character in the entire sequence. Anime will collect money until the machine gives him a Soda and he losses his mind and traps himself inside the vending machine.  Animation I succeed in creating a progressive walk cycle.