
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 6: Storyboard and Basic Animation

This week I worked on creating my storyboard and working on animating some of the shots.

Week 4 : Brain storming ideas and testing

Hello and welcome to week 4  For my senior project I started by looking for references. I watched more than 24 hours of short films and I found out that youtube is filled with one story presented differently and most of the ideas are simple and has no depth in them. I decided to animate a story that I was told.  The story is about a greed and how it is like drinking from the ocean water. the more you drink from it the thirstier you get and you will never be satisfied.  My Vision - one main character and lets call him " Animate"  - one vending machine.  - no conversation.  Exterior... night time  Animate is walking back from work. he is super tired and exhausted dragging his suit case behind him and can barely walk. He stops by a vending machine to get a can of soda to refresh him.  Puts a dollar into the vending machine and picked a drink... the machine is not giving him anything... he get frustrated and starts banging on it trying to crash it.